Easy ideas for Toddlers

This page will include ideas to keep toddlers happy and perhaps learn a new skill. I will upload new ideas each week.

Here are the links:

Blow Football Game: http://www.lastminutemummy.co.uk/440245154 

Easter shortbread: http://www.lastminutemummy.co.uk/439342150 

Easter bunny pot: http://www.lastminutemummy.co.uk/439275525 

Colour sorting: http://www.lastminutemummy.co.uk/439186089 

Busy Bees: http://www.lastminutemummy.co.uk/439008047

Rainbow & Clouds: http://www.lastminutemummy.co.uk/439008062

Bird feeder pine cone: http://www.lastminutemummy.co.uk/439008073

Toddler Mother's Day activity: http://www.lastminutemummy.co.uk/439103041