Here are your monthly updates to help guide you through the week.....

Blog post this month is all about...SLEEP.

Here’s a question for you…..

Regarding your health and well being, what would you like more of?

What would your answer be?

There’s a high proportion of us, that would answer that question with one word… SLEEP!

We all know sleep is important, but very often it’s the one thing we neglect to give ourselves enough of.

While we sleep our body recharges. It re-energises and resets ready for the next day. This is why it is so important to focus on our sleep patterns. If we put as much focus into a good sleep routine as we do charging our phones ready to use the following day, maybe we too would feel like we have a full battery when we wake in the morning.

It’s so important to regularly go to bed at the same time each day. I do this for my 7 year old but I’m not very good at listening to my own advice! Also we must set the scene to ensure a good nights sleep. How many of us scroll through social media just before we set our alarms and go to sleep? It’s a bad habit and it’s one that I tell my older children not to do, but when it comes to my own sleep habits, I don’t practice what I preach! 

This clearly shows I need to give myself a little bit more self love.

Sometimes that’s hard!  We all live busy lives and it’s difficult to find time during the day to commit a proportion of time for your own well-being. When evening comes around and bedtime is approaching it’s the perfect opportunity to give yourself the best chance to reset and recharge for the next day. 

There’s a lot of science to read about good sleep quality, however, it can be really simple.

So for this month, why not try a new routine? 

Below are a six tips for a truly relaxing sleep:

By all means scroll social media during the evening, but give yourself a period of time without having a screen in front of you before you close your eyes and drift off to sleep. 

Focus on making sure you’re in a warm and comfortable environment.

Concentrate on breathing, deeply and relax!

Guided meditations are wonderful for those who would like a little relaxation boost. 

Close your mind to your mental chatter, and know that tomorrow you can return to any issues you may wish to face, when you are fully recharged and able to think more clearly.

Surround yourself with comforting thoughts, relax every part of your body and drift off for a good nights sleep.

Hopefully when you wake you will feel refreshed and ready to tackle any challenges that come your way!

Give yourself a month of your new routine and see how focussing on sleeping will actually enhance your waking hours! 

Our Crystal of the month is... AMETHYST

Use this crystal to reduce anxiety, balance mood swings, and generally relieve stresses and strains.

Amethyst links in nicely with this month’s blog post about sleep. Amethyst will create a calm environment in order to have a peaceful nights sleep. It is a gentle crystal and can provide a soothing bubble of calm which makes it ideal to keep in the bedroom - this isn’t always the case with every crystal.

Some crystals have too much energy to be placed in an area which essentially needs to be calm and relaxing.

You can wear your crystal as jewellery or place stones in rooms where you would like them to work. You could also carry one in your pocket. Just remember to charge it on the windowsill overnight.

Crystals are widely available, but if you do wish to purchase any from me, my online shop will be live very soon.

In the meantime, if you would like me to personally select a crystal for you and post it to you,  please drop me a message. If you do buy crystals from other places, please bear in mind that crystals left in display cases with bright lights shining on them will be damaged and also try to avoid buying crystals that have been touched by many hands!

Your feel good song this month is...

Can't stop the Feeling by Justin Timberlake. Dance & sing like no one is watching!
